About Pilates

The benefits of Pilates

  • Helps to develop a leaner body.
  • Relieves pain, stiffness and tension.
  • Improves awareness of mind / body.
  • Develops core strength.
  • Exercising without straining muscles.
  • Improves posture, stability and flexibility.
  • Suitable for any age, or level of fitness.
  • Reduces stress and tension.
  • Works with the deepest core muscles.

What makes the Body Control Pilates Method different?

Body Control Pilates is based on the work of Joseph Pilates (1880-1967), who created a series of exercises that built strength without adding bulk and balanced that strength with flexibility.

The Body Control Pilates programme offers a comprehensive programme of exercises at all levels for both mat and machine work – there are more than 100 different matwork exercises alone. They are adapted from the "classical" exercises developed by Joseph Pilates, many of which are often not suitable for the average person and the average body.

In order for someone to work safely and effectively and to gain the full benefits of Pilates, these classical exercises should be broken down to establish good movement skills thus building the best possible foundation upon which to progress towards the classical, more advanced work. This is the essence of the Body Control Pilates Method.

Body Control Pilates is remarkably effective - and medically-approved. Central to the Method is 'awareness of your own body' and each and every exercise is built around its eight basic principles:

  • Relaxation
  • Concentration
  • Co-ordination
  • Centring
  • Alignment
  • Breathing
  • Stamina
  • Flowing Movements

Your body awareness is heightened by bringing together mind and body - Body Control Pilates literally teaches you to be in control of your body, allowing you to handle stress more effectively and achieve relaxation more easily.